8:00 - 22:00

Ώρες Λειτουργίας Δευτ- Παρασκευή.

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ΜΕΡΙΜΝΑ ΖΩΗΣ > Στήλες  > Ενδιαφέρον (Page 15)

Εντοπίστηκαν γονίδια της ομοφυλοφιλίας

Η ύπαρξη ορισμένων γονιδίων στο DNA ενός άνδρα παίζει ρόλο για το αν θα είναι ομοφυλόφιλος, σύμφωνα με μια νέα αμερικανική επιστημονική έρευνα, που ταράζει και πάλι τα νερά, επαναφέροντας το επίμαχο ερώτημα σε ποιον βαθμό η ομοφυλοφιλία έχει βιολογική-γενετική βάση. Η νέα μελέτη δείχνει ότι αν και τα γονίδια δεν αποτελούν αναγκαία και επαρκή συνθήκη για να γίνει ένας άνδρας...

Διαβασε περισσότερα

Η αγάπη και τα ναρκωτικά λειτουργούν με τον ίδιο τρόπο

Ακούγεται συχνά ότι η αγάπη είναι σαν ναρκωτικό. Σύμφωνα με επιστήμονες, το ερωτικό ειδύλλιο λειτουργεί με παρόμοιο τρόπο με ...

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Shopping Doesn’t Help Post-Traumatic Stress, Researchers Say (En)

Some people go shopping in an attempt to cope with the stress of traumatic events, but it actually makes things worse, according to a small, new study. The researchers found that traumatic events cause more stress for materialistic people and that they are more likely to spend compulsively as a result. These people tend to have lower self-esteem than others, according...

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Shape, Size of Wine Glass May Skew How Much You Pour (En)

You may be serving wine with a heavier hand than you believe: The size, shape and location of a wine glass can affect how much you pour into the glass, according to a new study. Most people think of a glass as just one serving, but it could be closer to two or three, which means that it can be easy...

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Five-hour ‘slow TV’ knitting show to air in Norway (En)

Earlier in the year, Norway offered a 12-hour, prime-time show on local TV of a burning fireplace. Now they have gone one stage further, and will be offering an evening-long program featuring a group of eight people knitting. What could be more cosy? Digital Journal reported on the relaxing and warming show of a crackling fire being built and maintained for...

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Research Attributes High Rates of Smoking Among Mentally Ill to Addiction Vulnerability (En)

People with mental illness smoke at much higher rates than the overall population. But the popular belief that they are self-medicating is most likely wrong, according to researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Instead, they report, research indicates that psychiatric disease makes the brain more susceptible to addiction. As smoking rates in the general population have fallen below 25...

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Τα Παιδιά που Έχουν Ανάγκη τη Φαρμακευτική Κάνναβη

Στη βεράντα του 5ου ορόφου του νοσοκομείου Παίδων Αγία Σοφία μαμάδες, μπαμπάδες, γιαγιάδες, ακόμα και νοσηλεύτριες έχουν ακουμπήσει στο κιγκλίδωμα και χαζεύουν, καπνίζοντας. Με την Αλεξία έχουμε βγει επίσης για ένα τσιγάρο. Προς στιγμήν αφαιρούμαι από το φως και κάνω νόημα «όχι» σε μια κυρία που μας προτείνει να ψωνίσουμε εικόνες της Παναγίας. Αμέσως συνέρχομαι, δεν είναι το δικό μου...

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FDA launches “Bad Ad Program” to detect misleading drug ads (En)

May 11, 2010. The FDA's Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising, and Communications (DDMAC) has launched the Bad Ad Program, designed to educate healthcare providers about their role in ensuring that prescription drug advertising and promotion is truthful, and not misleading. The program will be rolled out in three phases. In Phase 1, DDMAC will engage healthcare providers at specifically-selected medical conventions...

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Listening to music is good for the heart (En)

A study has found that in fact music can strengthen the heart — and improve the recovery of patients suffering from heart disease. For the study, 74 patients with cardiac disease were divided into three groups. Some were enrolled in exercise classes for three weeks. Other participants were put in the same classes, but also told to listen to music of...

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Ever wondered what’s in an e-cigarette? (En)

Smoking is a habit we should all kick, say doctors and health professionals. But some people (entrepreneurs) have created something slightly less dangerous than the actual tobacco for all of us to enjoy: the e-cigarette. One of the most fascinating products on the market today is the e-cigarette. This innovative device is taking the habit of smoking and turning it into...

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