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ΜΕΡΙΜΝΑ ΖΩΗΣ > Στήλες  > Απεξάρτηση  > Ναλτρεξόνη


Naltrexone is a medication used in medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to treat both opioid and alcohol use disorders. What Is Naltrexone? Naltrexone is a medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat opioid use disorders and alcohol use disorders. It comes in a pill form or as an injectable. The pill form of naltrexone (ReVia, Depade) can be taken at...

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About Vivitrol (En)

Vivitrol is the injectable form of the non-narcotic drug naltrexone, which was approved by the FDA for daily oral use in 1994 for the treatment of alcohol dependence. The tablet form of naltrexone was approved in 2006 for treatment of opiate addiction to prevent relapse. The FDA approved Vivitrol for monthly intramuscular injection in 2010. The drug blocks the brain's ability...

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Τι είναι η ναλτρεξόνη; Ποιες οι παρενέργειες της ναλτρεξόνης; Είναι ασφαλής η ναλτρεξόνη; Πρέπει να πάρω ναλτρεξόνη; Πώς νιώθει κανείς όταν παίρνει ναλτρεξόνη; Για πόσο κρατάει η επίδραση της ναλτρεξόνης; Για πόσο καιρό πρέπει να παίρνω ναλτρεξόνη; Εάν παίρνω και άλλα φάρμακα μπορώ να παίρνω ναλτρεξόνη; Τι θα συμβεί εάν παίρνω φάρμακα που περιέχουν οπιοειδείς ουσίες ενώ παίρνω ναλτρεξόνη; Εάν είμαι έγκυος ή θηλάζω μπορώ να πάρω ναλτρεξόνη; Τι γίνεται...

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Early Intervention May Ward Off Need for Substance Abuse Treatment (En)

Reducing substance use among adolescents takes a multitude of strategies, from interventions in the first grade to treatment in jail. Prevent if you can and treat if you can't might have been the motto at the fourth Road to Recovery conference sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center in Baltimore on September 23. Nicholas Ialongo, Ph.D., a professor of mental health...

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Op-Ed: Treating addiction like a disease – medically assisted treatment (En)

Addicts know the pain and suffering associated with drug and alcohol dependence but many addicts are seeking help with new forms of treatment that work in medications to affect the chemistry of the brain, in conjunction with traditional therapy. Programs like Alcoholics Anonymous that have been around since the 1930s are built on group therapy and an acceptance that the addict...

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Pfizer Testing Abuse-Deterrent Compound Of Oxycodone and Naltrexone (En)

New Orleans—A unique formulation of an extended-release oxycodone plus sequestered naltrexone (an opioid antagonist), ALO-02, may deliver safety and efficacy for pain control and also mitigate the drug "high" from tampering with the capsule (e.g., crushing) that often occurs with abuse of prescription opioids. The compound is currently in Phase III of testing. "We are one of the first companies to...

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‘Implants needed’ to curb NSW drug use (En)

EXPANDING the NSW Drug Court and trailing an implant that can break dependence on opiates will enable authorities to better help those addicted to drugs and alcohol, a new report says. The Drug and Alcohol Report, released by the NSW government on Thursday, also calls for further funding to treatment services and education programs. "Substance abuse is one of our most pressing...

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Η Bonnie και ο Ken Shockey ενθαρρύνουν τους καρκινοπαθείς να ερευνήσουν τη θεραπεία με τις χαμηλές δόσεις ναλτρεξόνης (English)

Bonnie and Ken Shockey encourage cancer patients to research Low Dose Naltrexone Drug has shown positive results with cancer, MS By Rachel Bryson The Record Herald Posted Apr 28, 2012 @ 01:00 PM Greencastle, Pa. — Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) was not originally intended to be a cancer treatment but one local couple encourages everyone with cancer to do their research on this drug. Bonnie and...

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Naltrexone An Antagonist Therapy for Heroin Addiction (En)

National Institute on Drug Abuse National Institutes of Health   Naltrexone An Antagonist Therapy for Heroin Addiction November 12-13, 1997 SUMMARY Betty Tai, Ph.D. Jack Blaine, M.D. NIDA Treatment Workgroup   Introduction Narcotic antagonist pharmacotherapy of opioid addiction was proposed by Wickler and developed based on the classical behavioral concept of "extinction." The euphoric effects of opioids which reinforce the self-administration behavior are blocked when an individual is being treated with...

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