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Quitting Cigarette Deal With Headaches? (En)

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Quitting Cigarette Deal With Headaches? (En)

You must have seen many of your friends trying to quit smoking or you yourself have gone through this phase of quitting. Quitting smoking is terribly painful for most of us like any other addictions. You go through many problems; physically and emotionally. It includes headache, nausea, sleeplessness, irritable mood, dizziness and many more symptoms like this.

Headache alone becomes a terrible problem for many quitters initially and drives them crazy. If you keep your calm and try to follow some easy ways to overcome it, you may feel better and find it much easier to quit smoking. Some people take help from friends, relatives and doctors when they are unable to quit smoking themselves. If you are a chain smoker and want to get rid of this addiction, you can also take help from your near and dear ones. There are some very easy ways for smokers which can keep them away from smoking. Chewing gum or candies, reading a book and meeting a friend are a few among them.

Here are some of the ways which may help you getting rid of terribly painful headache:

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Drink lots of water
When you quit smoking, your body goes through many different changes and require lots of water. Keep yourself well-hydrated. It helps flushing out the nicotine and other chemicals from your body faster than normal which in turn keeps you away from headache.

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Take deep breaths

Whenever you crave for cigarette, take a break from your work and breathe deeply. Take deep and long breaths and try to hold each breath for some seconds. Practice some breathing exercises also. It helps you get rid of headache.

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ething interesting
There are times when your cravings are so strong that you find it really difficult to avoid smoking but if you distract yourself at this time, it becomes much easier. Try to do things you like, when you get strong cravings for cigarette. Read a book, call a friend or go for a walk.

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Delay/control your cravings

Initially, while quitting smoking, you feel terrible cravings for cigarette and if you don’t smoke then, you get headache. But if you are able to control that for 3-4 minutes every time you feel the same, it will help you getting rid of it and will reduces the headache chances also.

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Take shower

Taking warm bath relaxes your body and relieves stress which in turn helps you stay away from headache. Also, if you add a few drops of lavender oil to your bathtub, it helps you relieve your headache and other problems.

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Talk to friends

We all have such friends who are there for us in our good and bad times. Talk to your friends, especially, who successfully quit smoking earlier. You might be able to better cope up with your headache when you hear their experiences while quitting cigarettes.

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Get some more rest

Your body is habitual of getting nicotine and other chemicals from cigarette smoking and when you suddenly quit it, there is no supply of these chemicals from anywhere else. It puts too much stress on your body and gives you headache. Take proper rest to avoid it.

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Be strong

It is not easy to quit smoking immediately. It takes a lot of strength and time. You have to be very strong-willed to quit it. Don’t be scared of headache or any other problem. Be strong and get rid of this addiction successfully.

Πηγή: www.boldsky.com

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