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Nationally Acclaimed Expert on Addiction and Recovery, Dr. Peter Coleman, to Return to Louisville, KY for Free Educational Lecture on Substance Abuse and Opiate Addiction (En)

ΜΕΡΙΜΝΑ ΖΩΗΣ > Στήλες  > Απεξάρτηση  > Nationally Acclaimed Expert on Addiction and Recovery, Dr. Peter Coleman, to Return to Louisville, KY for Free Educational Lecture on Substance Abuse and Opiate Addiction (En)

Nationally Acclaimed Expert on Addiction and Recovery, Dr. Peter Coleman, to Return to Louisville, KY for Free Educational Lecture on Substance Abuse and Opiate Addiction (En)

The Coleman Institute announced that Dr. Peter Coleman, the nationally acclaimed founder of the Accelerated Detoxification Technique, will give a Free lecture on “Substance Abuse and Opiate Addiction – Innovative New Treatment Methods” on Thursday, September 20th at 6:00 pm at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, KY.

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Dr. Peter Coleman

The Coleman Institute announced that Dr. Peter Coleman, the founder of the Accelerated Detoxification Technique, will give a free lecture on “Substance Abuse and Opiate Addiction – Innovative New Treatment Methods” on Thursday, September 20th at 6:00 pm at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, KY. This lecture is educational in nature and open to the public. Those interested can call 502-638-2620 to register. The information presented will be suitable for those suffering from addiction, families of addicts seeking help, professional providers, and the general public who wish to learn more about ways to treat opiate addiction.

The Coleman Institute uses Naltrexone therapy, including implants, to block the opioid receptors in the brain, which reduces the pleasure or the “high” when drinking alcohol or using drugs. By reducing the cravings and pleasure an addict gets from drinking or using, the chances s/he has of attaining sobriety are dramatically increased. The Naltrexone implants are used for six to twelve months, depending on each patient’s rate of recovery.

Heroin, Oxycontin, Methadone, and Suboxone are the most widely abused opiate drugs. Other opiates, such as Percocet, Vicodin, Dilaudid, and Opana are also highly addictive. Regardless, The Coleman Institute can help with the innovative out-patient Accelerated Detoxification Technique (ADT). Detoxification, plus a Naltrexone implant, had 100% success at six weeks and over 80% success at three months in a study by The Coleman Institute. Longer lasting implants are now used so the success rate at three months is close to 100%.

Founded in Richmond, Virginia in 1998, The Coleman Institute has helped thousands of patients detoxify and recover from the effects of heroin use and other narcotics such as Methadone, Suboxone, Oxycontin, Percocet, and Vicodin. The combination of The Coleman Institute’s Accelerated Detoxification Technique with Naltrexone therapy is what makes it unique among out-patient addiction treatment centers—and its success rate so high. The Coleman Institute services the Louisville-Lexington, Kentucky regional area from its offices across the river in Jeffersonville, Indiana and is managed by Dr. Joseph Koenigsmark, Regional Medical Director. The Coleman Institute operates offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, West Virginia and Richmond, Virginia.

Πηγή: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/9/prweb9869884.htm

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