Κάνναβη: Ο Πρώτος Θάνατος στα Χρονικά λόγω Τοξικότητας; (En)
By now you’ve heard the entire growing buzz surrounding the unfortunate and untimely death of Gemma Moss. She was the young mother who died in her sleep one night and who has since been launched to a status of international recognition by the alleged cause of her death. The pathologist Dr Kudair Hussein who examined her post-mortem determined in all his infinite wisdom that Gemma died of “cannabis poisoning”.
At this point we all know that within the scope of the current accepted and peer-reviewed study on the subject that “cannabis poisoning” is no more a valid cause of death than say a lollypop overdose or fatal rainbow exposure. It’s just simply a fantasy, where cannabis to have been involved with her death there would have to be other underlying causes which went undetected during the autopsy. That happens; lots of people go to their grave with “unknown” written in the cause section of their death certificate. Not all puzzles will be solved.
Ένα γλειφιτζούρι είναι πιο
επικίνδυνο για έναν
διαβητικό από την κάνναβη
When you think about it, lollipops are more dangerous to diabetics than cannabis is to just about anyone. Suck on that a minute.
It’s easy to feel an impotent sense of frustration and rage when things like this happen. We all know it’s a big pile of hooey, so what can we do about it? Well, there is in fact an answer to that question.
Gemma Moss has been wronged by this determination of death. She has now been smeared in the press as a woman who was taken astray and then to an early grave by the demon weed. Her entire life has been laid bare and exposed on the front page of every tabloid rag, she’s now that woman who smoked herself to death with pot. Her children will grow up believing that their mother threw her life away on substance abuse rather than live and raise them. They will feel abandoned and doubtlessly have to deal with deep emotional conflicts. Losing a parent at their tender age is very, very difficult to overcome.
They have suffered harm at the hands of the government, and this is where a quick lesson in civics comes into play. What do you do when the state screws you over? Who do you go to when an injustice is done by a person of authority? You go to the Ombudsman.
The Ombudsman is the government official who deals with complaints of wrongdoing by government departments, like the NHS, who employ the pathologist that declared Gemma Moss ‘ death “cannabis poisoning” with a complete lack of evidence to back it. Her children are too young to engage the government process and try to seek justice in order to restore their mother’s reputation in the public eye. When the weakest amongst us has no voice it becomes the duty of all good citizens to speak on their behalf.
Today you can do a good deed for the children of the departed
There is a website you can go to in order to make complaints. There is an entire wing of the Ombudsman’s office dedicated to dealing with problems concerning the NHS. They have email and phones and fax and all the modern tools of communication. They need to hear that this woman has been smeared by an irresponsible action on the part of a government employee and that this outcome is unacceptable to you the taxpaying public. Did you ever pay VAT on something? Then you’re paying to keep these people around, you might as well put them to work for you.
That is the link to the homepage of the people I am talking about (first you must complain to the Poole NHS trust before going to the Ombudsman). This is the Customer Service department of government. There are phone and internet contacts listed, you can even write them an old fashioned paper letter and slap a stamp on it while postal services are still a thing of the present. While you’re on the website you can file a formal complaint right there on the page, they have a step by step process for you to go through.
One complaint isn’t going to do much. Two would be better. 10,000 complaints will have the government wanting it to go away and at the very least putting on a display of caring. That’s something more than nothing. In the best case scenario a million people crash the site filing complaints and they are forced to address the cause of death and seek a reversal of the findings. You could help restore a dead woman’s reputation and strike a blow against prohibitionist propaganda at the same time.
Please note before you complain to the Ombudsman, you must first write your grievance to the Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; if they do not satisfactorily answer your grievance, then you can write to the Ombudsman.
Μια μεταθανάτια εξέταση
με μη επιστημονική μεθοδολογία βρήκε ότι τα αίτια θανάτουγια την Gemma Moss ήταν η τοξικότητα της κάνναβης. Αυτό είναι αδύνατο
αναφέρει ο NORML Μεγ. Βρετανίας. |
What you want to do is complain to the Ombudsman that Dr Kudair Hussein has acted against the available scientific literature in his field when making a determination of death by “cannabis poisoning” in the case of Gemma Moss. He is on the board at the Poole Hospital, a member of the NHS and a public employee; as such he is subject to public accountability. His findings have the potential to harm the reputation of the deceased, negatively affect the family she has left behind, and creates an unscientific precedent in the determination of death in the cases like these. Medical professionals are bound to operate within the accepted scientific literature and this conduct strays from that standard.
It is no more appropriate than a physician claiming they can cure cancer with baking soda. Professional standards must be adhered to in public institutions. Remind them of this fact today.
πηγή: NORML UK, preludiance.blogspot.gr