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Dad accused of injecting his 4-year-old son with heroin (En)

ΜΕΡΙΜΝΑ ΖΩΗΣ > Στήλες  > Σκόρπια  > Dad accused of injecting his 4-year-old son with heroin (En)

Dad accused of injecting his 4-year-old son with heroin (En)

κατάλογος 1
Seattle, Washington police say that a man tried to kill his 4-year-old son by giving him heroin on the day his divorce was going to be finalized.

According to Raw Story, the child’s mother said that Eric Lehtinen and their son were unconscious when she found them on Tuesday.

According to NY Daily, when police arrived at the scene they said that the boy had a syringe that was stuck in his chest. The Lehtinen and his son was rushed to the hospital.

According to Huffington post, court documents state that Lehtinen wanted to delay his divorce from his wife, who he was married to for six years.

It is not known whether or not the boy will suffer any long term side effects from the incident. The dad is now facing attempted first-degree murder.

Πηγή: www.digitaljournal.com

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